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Antennagate got Mark Papermaster Apple iPhone Executive Fired? – The Apple executive who was responsible for the iPhone engineering, and the antenna problems that the phone has had, has left the company. Some have said that he left because of the antenna issues phone has had, while others said that he left for other reasons. It seems unlikely that the criticism that he faced would cause him to leave the company.
Apple has never even fully admitted that the antennas are a big problem. They have denied that there is a problem, and have said that many phones have the same problem. However, they are giving away free cases to deal with the supposedly non-existent problem, so they have been very hard to read.
They have stubbornly maintained that nothing is wrong with the phone, and if that is their official word, it seems unlikely that they would ask an employee to leave in the face of criticism. After all, he had been behind other successful launches for the company previously.When Apple was forced to address the problem publicly, Steve Jobs spent 45 minutes demonstrating that every smart phone has an antenna grip issue, and acted like there is no way around it. So, instead of admitting to the problem, he said that it wasn’t a problem because everyone had the same problem. He didn’t even address the fact that the iPhone has more of a problem than most other phones. So while the executive probably didn’t leave after allegations were made, the timing does seem a bit awkward.